patents trademarks, designs, and copyrights.

Patent and Trademark in United States

patents trademarks, designs, and copyrights.


What are the types of patents that are acceptable in US patent law?

In the United States, there are three main types of patents granted by the US patent system:

Utility Patents: Description: Utility patents are the most common type of patents and cover new and useful inventions, processes, machines, articles of manufacture, or compositions of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof.
Duration: Utility patents have a duration of 20 years from the filing date.
Design Patents: Description: Design patents cover the ornamental design of an article of manufacture. In other words, they protect the unique visual characteristics or aesthetics of a product.
Duration: Design patents have a duration of 15 years from the issuance date.
Plant Patents: Description: Plant patents are granted for new and distinct varieties of asexually reproduced plants. This includes plants that are developed through methods such as grafting or cutting.
Duration: Plant patents also have a duration of 20 years from the filing date.
These three types of patents serve different purposes and protect different aspects of inventions. Utility patents are the most versatile, covering a wide range of innovations. Design patents focus on the visual appearance of an item, protecting its unique design features. Plant patents, as the name suggests, are specific to new and distinct plant varieties.

What is the criteria of patentability in US

In the United States, to be eligible for a patent, an invention must meet certain criteria outlined by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The three main types of patents granted in the U.S. are utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Here are the general criteria for patentability:

Utility Patents:
Novelty: The invention must be new and not publicly disclosed or known before the filing date of the patent application.
Non-obviousness: The invention must not be an obvious improvement over existing technology or a combination of existing technologies.
Useful: The invention must have a practical use or provide a tangible and concrete benefit.
Design Patents:
Novelty: Similar to utility patents, a design patent must be new and not publicly disclosed or known before the filing date.
Non-obviousness: The design must not be an obvious modification of existing designs.
Plant Patents:
Novelty: The plant variety must be new, distinct, and not publicly disclosed or known before the filing date.
Asexually Reproduced: The plant must be asexually reproduced, meaning it is reproduced by methods other than seeds.

What cannot be patented in US?

To secure a patent in the United States, your invention must align with specific categories, including being a process, machine, manufactured article, new composition, or an asexually reproduced and new variety of a plant.

However, certain legal elements must be observed, and you cannot obtain a patent if your claimed invention is already patented, disclosed in a printed publication, or available to the public before your filing date.

Moreover, the actual content of your patent is crucial. Notably, you cannot patent mathematical equations themselves, although processes using these equations may be eligible. The Laws of Nature, typically represented by mathematical equations, are not patentable, even if they are groundbreaking discoveries. Living things, created or discovered species resulting from mating two organisms, also fall outside patent eligibility.

Importantly, mere ideas are not patentable; you must provide a tangible process or documentation demonstrating the execution of the idea for it to be eligible for a patent. Understanding these criteria and following legal guidelines is essential for a successful patent application in the United States.

What is the process of examination of patent in US?

After filing a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the application undergoes examination by a designated examiner, typically taking place between twelve to twenty-four months after filing. The examination process involves several steps. The initial “First Office Action” assesses compliance with legal patentability requirements, such as whether the claims are enabled and distinctly claim the invention. The examiner conducts a thorough search for prior art to determine if the claimed invention is novel and non-obvious. More than 85% of patent applications receive a rejection during this stage.

Following the First Office Action, the applicant, assisted by a patent attorney, submits an amendment and response addressing perceived errors. The response may include amendments to clarify or narrow claims, along with arguments supporting the patentability of the invention. Care must be taken not to introduce new matter during this process. The deadline for responding is typically three months, extendable up to six months with additional fees.

If the patent office remains unconvinced by the response, a “Final Rejection” may be issued, marking a critical juncture for the applicant. Options include abandoning the application, appealing the rejection to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), or filing a Request for Continued Examination (RCE) to keep the examination ongoing. Multiple RCEs can extend the examination process, with some applications undergoing five or more office actions before potential issuance as a patent. Appeals can lead to further proceedings at the PTAB or the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The decision-making process involves careful consideration of legal, strategic, and procedural aspects by the applicant and their attorney.

How to renew/maintain a patent in US?

In the United States, patent owners are required to pay renewal or maintenance fees to keep their patents in force after grant. These fees are due three times during the patent’s lifetime and are applicable only after the patent has been granted.

The first renewal fee is due three years and six months after the patent grant, allowing the patent to remain valid beyond the fourth anniversary of the grant. The second fee is payable by seven years and six months after grant, and the third by eleven years and six months. Fees can be paid up to six months before the deadline to avoid penalty fees.

Penalty fees for late payment commence immediately after the due date, and the patent lapses if not paid within six months of the deadline.

How does a patent cost in US?

The cost of obtaining a patent in the United States can vary widely based on several factors, including the type of patent, the complexity of the invention, the level of legal assistance required, and whether the applicant qualifies for reduced fees as a Small or Micro Entity. Here are some general cost considerations:

Filing Fees:
The filing fees for a patent application vary based on the type of patent (utility, design, or plant) and the entity status of the applicant (Large, Small, or Micro).
Search and Examination Fees:
Additional fees are associated with the patent examination process. For utility patents, these include search fees and examination fees.
Attorney or Agent Fees:
Many inventors choose to hire a patent attorney or agent to assist with the preparation and filing of the patent application.
Office Action Responses:
If the patent examiner issues office actions requiring responses or amendments to the application, additional legal and/or attorney fees may be incurred.
Issue and Maintenance Fees:
After the patent is granted, maintenance fees are due at specified intervals to keep the patent in force. These fees vary and can be reduced for Small and Micro Entities. Failure to pay maintenance fees can lead to the abandonment of the patent.

At ipRenewal, our commitment to safeguarding your inventions in the USA extends beyond legal expertise; it’s a comprehensive journey facilitated by our seasoned attorneys. Collaborating closely with inventors, we meticulously craft specifications that adhere to the highest standards, incorporating detailed descriptions, robust claims, and precise drawings. Our Patent Application Drafting services showcase our dedication to a thorough and meticulous approach.

Navigating the intricate landscape of IP in the USA requires expertise, and our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to simplifying and optimizing the entire process. Recognizing the paramount importance of protecting your IP, our services are designed to guide you through every step, starting with filing a patent application. This journey commences with selecting the right type of patent, factoring in elements such as the nature of the invention, desired protection duration, and examination of the application by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This tailored approach, facilitated by our streamlined online platform, ensures a smooth filing process with all necessary documents for a successful submission, including obtaining a granted patent.

Managing and paying renewal fees become seamless and cost-effective with ipRenewal’s user-friendly platform, guaranteeing the uninterrupted protection of your property rights. Trust us to navigate the complexities of patent applications, examination, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on your innovative endeavors with confidence. Our holistic services are a testament to our commitment to providing unparalleled support at every stage of your patent journey.

At ipRenewal, we not only offer expert guidance throughout the patent protection journey but also distinguish ourselves by providing the best quotes for IP services in the USA. We go a step further, guaranteeing to beat existing quotes from other service providers. Our commitment to cost-effective solutions is coupled with an unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch IP services, ensuring the protection of your U.S. patents and addressing any infringement of a patent right effectively. Trust us to safeguard your innovations with a comprehensive and budget-friendly approach in the American intellectual property landscape.


What can be protected as Trademark with United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)?

A trademark is intrinsically linked to the specific goods and services associated with it when sold to consumers. Registering a word, phrase, symbol, or design as a trademark necessitates a clear identification of the goods or services it represents. The scope of a trademark is not confined to a singular product or service; rather, it can be applied across various goods or services, encompassing both categories.

While discerning whether your trademark pertains to goods or services might be perplexing, precision in this identification is crucial. If it refers to products, it involves goods; if it denotes activities, it pertains to services. Clearly specifying the goods or services associated with your trademark during registration delineates the extent of its use. This precision grants you legal authority to prevent others from using a similar trademark for related goods or services without your consent. It’s essential to avoid applying for more goods or services than you currently use or plan to use, as this could lead to the denial of your application. The accuracy of your selected identification may be subject to inquiry to ensure it aligns with your goods or services accurately.

Is it Necessary to Perform a Trademark Search Prior to registration of a Trademark?

Before proceeding with the submission of a trademark application, conducting a trademark search is undoubtedly a wise and crucial step. The primary objective of the trademark search is to identify any existing trademarks that are sufficiently similar, as their presence may impede the acceptance of your trademark. This proactive measure helps in avoiding potential conflicts and enhances the likelihood of a successful trademark registration process.

Is it possible to secure protection for my trademark by registering it before commencing its actual use?

You have the option to express your intention by submitting an “Intent To Use” trademark application before the actual usage of the trademark. Once the trademark is approved, you must demonstrate its use within a six-month timeframe. If you are not prepared to use the trademark within that period, you can request an extension of time. You are allowed to file up to five extension requests, each lasting for six months. Consequently, the period within which you are required to commence using the trademark can be extended to a maximum of 30 months from the date of approval.

How long does it take for obtaining a trademark in US?

The examination process duration typically ranges from six months to one year, with potential extensions due to complications like legal oppositions. Employing a skilled trademark attorney can expedite the examination by submitting a meticulously crafted application. It’s essential to highlight that errors in the application are irreversible; even if the trademark gets registered, mistakes in the initial filing may invalidate the registration, making it susceptible to cancellation by a third party later on.

Following the submission of the trademark application, applicants can expect a response from the USPTO within 3-6 months. The overall processing time hinges on whether the trademark is deemed eligible or ineligible for registration, with reasons for ineligibility addressed in an office action. Consequently, the comprehensive application processing period, from initiation to completion, may span from nearly 8 months to over a year. Timely filing of the trademark application is critical to securing the earliest possible filing date.

What is trademark examination process in US?

Upon receipt of a Trademark Application, the USPTO Trademark examiner must determine the eligibility of the trademark for registration. If the examiner finds the mark ineligible or requires additional information to make a decision, the applicant will receive an Office Action. Common reasons for trademark application rejections include requests for disclaimers, amendments to the identification of goods/services, submission of substitute specimens, and refusals based on likelihood of confusion, genericness, descriptiveness, misdescriptiveness, geographic significance, surname, or other substantive objections.

Office Actions can be intricate, and a trademark attorney plays a crucial role in understanding the nature of the action, whether procedural or substantive, and assessing the likelihood of overcoming it. If the Office Action is procedural, the attorney’s work is relatively straightforward. However, if it is substantive, the attorney must draft a legal argument addressing the raised issues. Substantive Office Actions often involve claims that the desired trademark lacks sufficient distinctiveness, making it ineligible for registration, or that there is a likelihood of confusion with an existing trademark.

Does a Distinction Exist Between a Trademark (TM) and a Service Mark (SM)?

A trademark encompasses a word, logo, slogan, sound, or design associated with a tangible product, allowing consumers to recognize the company producing that product. On the other hand, a service mark refers more specifically to a term, logo, slogan, sound, or design connected to a service, aiding consumers in identifying the company providing that service.

Which Symbol - ®, TM, SM - Is Appropriate for My Trademark?

The encircled R symbol can only be utilized once the applicant has secured a federal registration, not during the submission of the trademark application. Using the circled R before obtaining the registration may lead the USPTO to consider canceling the trademark application. Instead, applicants are advised to use the capital letters TM or SM before the trademark application is registered.

What defines trademark infringement?

If a party possesses the rights to a specific trademark i.e., the trademark owner, they have the legal grounds to file a lawsuit against subsequent parties for trademark infringement. The governing criterion is the “likelihood of confusion.” Specifically, the use of a trademark in connection with the sale of a product is deemed infringement if it is likely to cause confusion among consumers regarding the origin or approval of those goods. Courts consider various factors to assess the likelihood of confusion, including: (1) the strength of the mark; (2) the proximity of the goods; (3) the similarity of the marks; (4) evidence of actual confusion; (5) the similarity of marketing channels; (6) the degree of caution exercised by typical purchasers; and (7) the defendant’s intent.

For instance, using an identical mark on the same product unequivocally constitutes infringement. Employing a very similar mark on the same product may also lead to an infringement claim if the marks are sufficiently close in sound, appearance, or meaning to cause confusion. Conversely, using the same term on an entirely unrelated product is unlikely to trigger an infringement claim.

Numerous cases fall between these extremes, necessitating the application of the factors listed above by the courts. In situations where the marks and products are similar, determining the likelihood of consumer confusion can be challenging.

At ipRenewal, we serve as your trusted partner, delivering comprehensive trademark services to ensure the protection and currency of your invaluable intellectual property (IP) assets within the intricate landscape of U.S. law. Our specialized team is dedicated to guiding businesses through the application for trademark registration, offering a seamless experience tailored to meet distinct demands. From conducting a thorough trademark search to navigating the complexities of the U.S. trademark system, ipRenewal’s experts provide a full spectrum of services aimed at obtaining and fortifying your trademark rights.

Recognizing the paramount importance of timely trademark renewals, ipRenewal’s efficient and well-organized procedures empower businesses to meet deadlines and preserve the validity of their trademarks in accordance with U.S. law. With a sharp focus on compliance and precision, we strive to provide unparalleled service quality, giving our clients the assurance that their IP portfolios are under the care of capable hands. Whether addressing acts of trademark infringement or ensuring the renewal of a trademark right, ipRenewal is well-equipped to navigate the U.S. legal framework.

Moreover, ipRenewal offers a cost-effective alternative for filing and processing your trademark registrations in the USA, delivering superior value without compromising quality. Our services not only ensure compliance with legal requirements but also offer significant cost advantages compared to traditional methods. By choosing ipRenewal, businesses can optimize their budget for international trademark registrations, including through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), while receiving efficient and reliable services. Trust us to provide a cost-efficient solution aligned with your intellectual property protection needs in the United States and beyond.

How to Renew/Maintain a registered trademark in US?

To sustain a trademark, renewal documents must be submitted to the USPTO between the 5th and 6th year following registration, and subsequently every 10 years thereafter. Therefore, a trademark’s duration is contingent on renewals, as it will only endure for 6 years unless renewed.

These renewal intervals serve to validate continued compliance with the ongoing use of the trademark in commerce. Failure to utilize the trademark commercially for three consecutive years or to timely file the requisite trademark maintenance documents can lead to the abandonment of the trademark.

At ipRenewal, we serve as your trusted partner, delivering comprehensive trademark services to ensure the protection and currency of your invaluable intellectual property (IP) assets within the intricate landscape of U.S. law. Our specialized team is dedicated to guiding businesses through the application for trademark registration, offering a seamless experience tailored to meet distinct demands. From conducting a thorough trademark search to navigating the complexities of the U.S. trademark system, ipRenewal’s experts provide a full spectrum of services aimed at obtaining and fortifying your trademark rights.

Recognizing the paramount importance of timely trademark renewals, ipRenewal’s efficient and well-organized procedures empower businesses to meet deadlines and preserve the validity of their trademarks in accordance with U.S. law. With a sharp focus on compliance and precision, we strive to provide unparalleled service quality, giving our clients the assurance that their IP portfolios are under the care of capable hands. Whether addressing acts of trademark infringement or ensuring the renewal of a trademark right, ipRenewal is well-equipped to navigate the U.S. legal framework.

Moreover, ipRenewal offers a cost-effective alternative for filing and processing your trademark registrations in the USA, delivering superior value without compromising quality. Our services not only ensure compliance with legal requirements but also offer significant cost advantages compared to traditional methods. By choosing ipRenewal, businesses can optimize their budget for international trademark registrations, including through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), while receiving efficient and reliable services. Trust us to provide a cost-efficient solution aligned with your intellectual property protection needs in the United States and beyond.

How much does it cost to trademark a brand in US?

The cost to trademark a brand in the United States can vary depending on several factors, including the type of application and the number of classes of goods and services. Here are some general cost guidelines:

Filing Fees:
For an online application using the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), the filing fees can range from $250 to $400 per class of goods or services.
If you choose the TEAS Plus application, which has stricter requirements but lower fees, the cost is $250 per class.
Attorney Fees:
Hiring an attorney can incur additional costs.
Government Fees for Maintenance and Renewal:
Between the 5th and 6th year after registration, there is a maintenance filing that requires a fee.
Renewal fees are due every 10 years after the initial registration.

At ipRenewal, we serve as your trusted partner, delivering comprehensive trademark services to ensure the protection and currency of your invaluable intellectual property (IP) assets within the intricate landscape of U.S. law. Our specialized team is dedicated to guiding businesses through the application for trademark registration, offering a seamless experience tailored to meet distinct demands. From conducting a thorough trademark search to navigating the complexities of the U.S. trademark system, ipRenewal’s experts provide a full spectrum of services aimed at obtaining and fortifying your trademark rights.

Recognizing the paramount importance of timely trademark renewals, ipRenewal’s efficient and well-organized procedures empower businesses to meet deadlines and preserve the validity of their trademarks in accordance with U.S. law. With a sharp focus on compliance and precision, we strive to provide unparalleled service quality, giving our clients the assurance that their IP portfolios are under the care of capable hands. Whether addressing acts of trademark infringement or ensuring the renewal of a trademark right, ipRenewal is well-equipped to navigate the U.S. legal framework.

Moreover, ipRenewal offers a cost-effective alternative for filing and processing your trademark registrations in the USA, delivering superior value without compromising quality. Our services not only ensure compliance with legal requirements but also offer significant cost advantages compared to traditional methods. By choosing ipRenewal, businesses can optimize their budget for international trademark registrations, including through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), while receiving efficient and reliable services. Trust us to provide a cost-efficient solution aligned with your intellectual property protection needs in the United States and beyond.

At ipRenewal, our commitment to safeguarding your inventions in Australia goes beyond legal expertise; it’s a comprehensive journey facilitated by our seasoned attorneys. Collaborating closely with inventors, we meticulously craft patent specifications that meet the highest standards, incorporating detailed descriptions, robust claims, and precise drawings. Our Patent Application Drafting services showcase our dedication to a thorough and meticulous approach.

In navigating the intricate landscape of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, our experienced team of patent attorneys is dedicated to simplifying and optimizing the entire process. Recognizing the paramount importance of protecting your IP, our services are designed to guide you through every step. This journey commences with selecting the right type of patent, factoring in elements such as the nature of the invention, desired protection duration, and accessibility in the application process. This tailored approach, facilitated by our streamlined online platform, ensures a smooth filing process with all necessary documents for a successful submission.

Managing and paying renewal fees become seamless and cost-effective with ipRenewal’s user-friendly platform, guaranteeing the uninterrupted protection of your patents. Trust us to navigate the complexities of patent applications, prosecution, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on your innovative endeavors with confidence. Our holistic services are a testament to our commitment to providing unparalleled support at every stage of your IP journey.

At ipRenewal, we not only offer expert guidance throughout the patent protection journey in Australia but also distinguish ourselves by providing the best quotes for IP services. We go a step further, guaranteeing to beat existing quotes from other service providers. Our commitment to cost-effective solutions is coupled with an unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch IP services. Whether it’s crafting precise patent specifications, guiding through the patent application process, or managing and paying renewal fees, ipRenewal stands out for exceptional quality, unmatched affordability, and the assurance that you’re receiving the most competitive rates in the market. Trust us to safeguard your innovations with a comprehensive and budget-

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