patents trademarks, designs, and copyrights.

Patent and Trademark in India

patents trademarks, designs, and copyrights.


What are the types of patents in India?

Understanding the importance of patent filing is crucial, and determining the appropriate patent type is equally essential. Three main types of patents can be filed with Government of India:

 Utility Patent Type:

Utility patents are among the most common in India, providing protection for innovations or inventions in products, processes, or machines. Often referred to as the ‘patent of inventions,’ this type covers a broad spectrum, including creations like new electric vehicles or machines related to solar energy.

 Design Patent Type:

Design patents focus on safeguarding the aesthetic look of a manufactured product. These patents protect the ‘surface ornamentation,’ meaning the appearance of a product. When filing for a design patent, exclusivity is claimed over a unique shape or design, but not the functionality. Design patents are generally more cost-effective compared to other types. For instance, the unique shape of the Pepsi bottle is registered under a design patent.

 Plant Patent Type:

Plant patents are obtained to protect new and inventive plants. This type of patent is particularly significant given India’s rich biodiversity. Inventors can secure plant patents for novel plant hybrids and organically discovered plants. This category is crucial for preserving and recognizing the potential therapeutic properties of various herbs and plants rooted in Ayurveda.

 Determining which type of patent is relevant to your invention is the initial step before proceeding with the patent registration process. After this, selecting the appropriate type of patent application in India becomes the next crucial decision in the patenting journey

What types of patent applications are available in India?

The Patents Act of 1970 governs all laws and provisions related to patents in India, encompassing various types of patent applications. According to the act, there are seven distinct types of patent applications:

 Provisional Patent:

This application is beneficial for claiming first priority over an invention that is still in the development process. It allows applicants a year to finalize their invention, and failure to file the permanent patent specification within this timeframe results in the abandonment of the application.

 Ordinary/Non-provisional Patent:

Filed when the invention is complete, this type requires the submission of the complete specification of the invention during the application process. Unlike the provisional patent, there is no additional year granted to make changes.

 Conventional Application:

If the applicant has already filed for a patent in one or more convention countries before filing with the Indian Patent Office, this application allows claiming a priority date based on the other application.

 PCT International Application:

Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), this application streamlines the process of filing in all signatory countries simultaneously, providing protection in up to 142 countries.

 PCT National Phase Application:

Denoting the national phase of a PCT application in a specific country, this application grants protection based on the international application, provided it is filed within 31 months of the priority date.

 Application for Patent of Addition:

This application is for improvements or additions to a previously filed patentable invention. Approval is contingent upon the parent patent application being granted.

 Divisional Application:

Filed to separate more than one application from a parent patent application, it is suitable when an inventor has multiple inventions to protect.

What falls outside the scope of patentability in India?

In India, certain inventions do not qualify for patent protection. These include inventions that are deemed frivolous, obvious, contrary to well-established natural laws, or contrary to law and morality. Additionally, inventions that are injurious to public health, a mere discovery of a scientific principle, or the formulation of an abstract theory are not considered patentable. Other non-patentable categories encompass inventions involving a mere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance or process, machine, or apparatus. This also extends to substances obtained by a mere admixture resulting only in the aggregation of the properties of their components or processes for producing such substances. Furthermore, a mere arrangement, rearrangement, or duplication of known devices, methods of agriculture or horticulture, and inventions related to atomic energy fall outside the scope of patentability in India.

How long does it take to get a patent granted in India?

The typical duration for obtaining a patent grant in India is approximately 2-3 years through the standard route, while the expedited route can expedite the process to around 1 year.

What is examination process with Indian patent system?

After filing a patent application in India, the applicant must submit a request for examination, along with the requisite fee. This request can be made by the applicant or any interested party. The examination request should be filed within 48 months from the filing date or the priority date, whichever is earlier. Failure to file a timely examination request leads to the irrevocable termination of the application.

 In the case of a national phase application, examination occurs 31 months after the priority date. However, an express examination request can initiate the process earlier, along with a request for early publication.

 The examination aims to ensure compliance with the legal requirements, and the Controller issues a First Examination Report (FER) based on the assessment. The applicant must respond to the FER within six months, with a possible three-month extension. Failure to respond within this timeframe results in application abandonment.

 If the applicant’s response does not meet legal requirements, a hearing may be offered at the applicant’s request. The applicant must submit written responses and proposed amendments within a specified period. Following the hearing, the Controller may grant the patent with suitable amendments or refuse it if requirements are not met.

 Once all objections are resolved, and if the application meets Act requirements, the patent is granted within a few months of response submission or the hearing. Post-grant, the patentee must pay annual renewal fees starting from the third year after filing. This fee, along with any arrears, is due after the patent is granted. A granted patent provides the owner exclusive rights for 20 years from the filing date, enabling them to control the use, import, and sale of the invention.

How to Renew/Maintain patents in India?

Under the Indian Patent Act, patent holders must pay annual renewal fees to maintain their patents for the full 20-year term. The renewal fee, starting from the third year, can be paid yearly or in a lump sum, with termination resulting from non-payment. Indian patents are valid for 20 years from filing, and the renewal fee schedule applies to the main patent and any additional patents, unless the original patent is revoked. An extension of up to 6 months is possible with penalty fees. Ensuring timely payments is crucial, and for patents granted over 2 years from filing, outstanding fees must be paid within 3 months of grant.

At ipRenewal, our commitment to safeguarding your inventions in Australia goes beyond legal expertise; it’s a comprehensive journey facilitated by our seasoned attorneys. Collaborating closely with inventors, we meticulously craft patent specifications that meet the highest standards, incorporating detailed descriptions, robust claims, and precise drawings. Our Patent Application Drafting services showcase our dedication to a thorough and meticulous approach.

In navigating the intricate landscape of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, our experienced team of patent attorneys is dedicated to simplifying and optimizing the entire process. Recognizing the paramount importance of protecting your IP, our services are designed to guide you through every step. This journey commences with selecting the right type of patent, factoring in elements such as the nature of the invention, desired protection duration, and accessibility in the application process. This tailored approach, facilitated by our streamlined online platform, ensures a smooth filing process with all necessary documents for a successful submission.

Managing and paying renewal fees become seamless and cost-effective with ipRenewal’s user-friendly platform, guaranteeing the uninterrupted protection of your patents. Trust us to navigate the complexities of patent applications, prosecution, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on your innovative endeavors with confidence. Our holistic services are a testament to our commitment to providing unparalleled support at every stage of your IP journey.

At ipRenewal, we not only offer expert guidance throughout the patent protection journey in Australia but also distinguish ourselves by providing the best quotes for IP services. We go a step further, guaranteeing to beat existing quotes from other service providers. Our commitment to cost-effective solutions is coupled with an unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch IP services. Whether it’s crafting precise patent specifications, guiding through the patent application process, or managing and paying renewal fees, ipRenewal stands out for exceptional quality, unmatched affordability, and the assurance that you’re receiving the most competitive rates in the market. Trust us to safeguard your innovations with a comprehensive and budget-


What does the trademark law entail in India?

Trademark law in India, governed by the Trade Marks Act of 1999, is designed to protect distinctive identifiers for products and services. It encompasses various elements such as words, symbols, sounds, logos, and even fragrances. The law establishes the identity of entities, safeguards goodwill, and protects against infringement. National trademark registration in India, facilitated by the Indian Trademark Registry, provides exclusive usage rights within the country. This registration offers robust protection, flexibility in application modifications, independence from international agreements, and enhances a company’s value. It also enables legal action against unauthorized use, maintaining the integrity of the brand.

What type of Trademark is registered in India?

In India, various distinctive elements related to products or services can be protected as trademarks, subject to specific criteria outlined by the Trademarks Act, 1999. Examples of such protectable elements encompass:

Any name, including personal or surname, adopted as a mark, provided it is not commonplace in trade.

Invented or arbitrary words not directly descriptive of the goods or service.

Letters, numerals, or combinations thereof.

The right to trademark ownership can be acquired through registration or use in connection with specific goods or services.

Devices, including fancy symbols and monograms.

Combinations of colors or a single color with a word or device.

The shape of goods or their packaging.

Marks constituting 3-dimensional signs.

Sound marks, represented in conventional notation or described in words with graphical representation.

It’s important to note that for a trademark to be registered, it must be distinctive, not descriptive of the goods or services, and should not be in violation of any existing trademarks. Additionally, trademarks that may deceive the public or are against the principles of morality may not be registered.

Is it necessary to perform a comprehensive trademark search before submitting a trademark application in India?

A trademark search involves a meticulous examination of brand elements against registered trademarks, minimizing legal risks and conflicts for individuals and businesses. By ensuring the chosen trademark is eligible for registration, it safeguards investments, builds customer trust, and facilitates business growth. The TM search not only reduces the risk of application rejection but also provides a foundation for confident marketing efforts, prevention of unauthorized use, and ease of global expansion by establishing a strong legal footing in multiple jurisdictions. Overall, a thorough trademark search is a proactive strategy essential for securing and enhancing a brand’s identity and intellectual property.

What are the advantages of obtaining Trademark protection in India?

1. Trademark serves as prima facie evidence of ownership, establishing a legal foundation for the trademark.

2. It is a crucial asset for businesses, contributing to the goodwill generated by the company.

3. Registration provides stronger enforceable rights, empowering the owner to prevent others from using the trademark in connection with registered goods or services.

4. Trademarks can be valuable assets, as they can be sold, licensed, or assigned to others.

5. National registration in India covers the entire country, offering robust protection and exclusive rights for specified goods and services, strengthening defense against infringement.

6. Registration provides flexibility, allowing applicants to modify or revise applications during the prosecution procedure to align with evolving business needs.

7. It operates independently of international agreements or registration in the home country, providing a level of autonomy.

8. Trademark enhances the company’s value, making it more attractive to potential buyers and increasing market appeal.

9. The registration of a trademark grants the exclusive right to use the mark for specified goods or services, marked by the symbol (R), and allows the owner to seek relief for infringement in the country’s courts.

10. This exclusive right is subject to conditions entered on the register, such as limitations on the area of use.

11. In cases where two or more persons have registered identical or nearly similar marks due to special circumstances, the exclusive right does not operate against each other.

How long does it take to get a trademark in India?

The timeline for obtaining a trademark in India can vary based on several factors. The process typically takes around 18 to 24 months or even longer. However, it’s important to note that processing times may change, and individual cases can differ based on various factors. Here’s a general overview of the trademark registration process in India:

1. Filing the Application: The initial step involves filing the trademark application with the Indian Trademark Registry. This can be done online. Once submitted, the application is assigned a filing date.

2. Examination: The Trademarks Registry examines the application to ensure it complies with legal requirements. This includes checking for conflicts with existing trademarks.

3. Publication: If the application passes the examination, it is published in the Trademarks Journal. This allows the public to oppose the registration within a specified period.

4. Opposition Period: After publication, there is a window for third parties to oppose the registration. If there are no oppositions or if they are unsuccessful, the application proceeds.

5. Registration: Once the application successfully passes through all stages, the Trademarks Registry issues the registration certificate.

It’s important to note that the actual duration can be influenced by factors such as the complexity of the application, any objections raised during examination, oppositions filed by third parties, and the efficiency of the Trademarks Registry. Additionally, if any modifications or amendments are required during the process, it may contribute to a longer timeline.

What is the trademark examination process in India?

The trademark examination process in India is conducted through an automated system, ensuring a methodical review of applications. Initially, applications are allotted for examination based on their filing date. The examination process occurs in two stages: an initial report is prepared by an Examiner, followed by evaluation and approval by an Examination Controller. If deficiencies are noted, the report is sent back to the Examiner with suggestions for resubmission or reexamination.

Subsequently, applications may either be accepted or objections are raised. In cases of objections, an examination report is issued to the applicant, who must respond within 30 days. Following the submission of the applicant’s reply, authorized officers consider the response, allotting cases based on the date of filing the reply. Applications may proceed to publication or, if objections persist, a hearing opportunity is provided, scheduled in a sequential manner based on priority. This systematic approach aims for efficient and timely processing of trademark applications in India.

Following a successful examination process, the trademark is accepted, and a trademark registration certificate is issued by the Trademarks Registry, confirming the official registration and granting exclusive rights to the trademark owner. This certificate serves as legal recognition and documentation of the brand’s protected status.

How to Renew/Maintain Trademark registered in India?

Once the Trademark is officially registered in India, the trademark is initially valid for 10 years from the date of the first application. To ensure continuous protection, trademark renewal is required before the expiry of this period. The renewal application can be filed up to one year in advance, with the exact due date falling within six months prior to the registration’s expiry. If a trademark lapses due to non-renewal, it can still be renewed within six months after expiry, albeit with an additional surcharge. Failure to renew within the stipulated time results in the cancellation of the trademark . However, a canceled trademark can be restored by filing an application within six months of cancellation. It’s crucial to adhere to these timelines and procedures to maintain the validity of the trademark.

How much does it cost to trademark a brand in India?

The cost of trademark registration in India can vary based on several factors, including the type of applicant, the number of classes of goods or services, and whether the application is filed online or offline. Here’s a general breakdown of the costs associated with trademark registration in India:

Government Fee:

The government fee for trademark registration is determined by the number of classes under which the goods or services fall. The fees for online filing are lower than those for physical filing. The government fee can range from a few thousand to several thousand Indian Rupees per class..

Search Fee:

Conducting a trademark search before filing the application is recommended to identify existing trademarks and potential conflicts.

Renewal Fee:

Trademark is initially valid for 10 years, after which it needs to be renewed. The renewal fee, which is payable every 10 years, is an additional cost to consider.

At ipRenewal, our commitment to safeguarding your inventions in Australia goes beyond legal expertise; it’s a comprehensive journey facilitated by our seasoned attorneys. Collaborating closely with inventors, we meticulously craft patent specifications that meet the highest standards, incorporating detailed descriptions, robust claims, and precise drawings. Our Patent Application Drafting services showcase our dedication to a thorough and meticulous approach.

In navigating the intricate landscape of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, our experienced team of patent attorneys is dedicated to simplifying and optimizing the entire process. Recognizing the paramount importance of protecting your IP, our services are designed to guide you through every step. This journey commences with selecting the right type of patent, factoring in elements such as the nature of the invention, desired protection duration, and accessibility in the application process. This tailored approach, facilitated by our streamlined online platform, ensures a smooth filing process with all necessary documents for a successful submission.

Managing and paying renewal fees become seamless and cost-effective with ipRenewal’s user-friendly platform, guaranteeing the uninterrupted protection of your patents. Trust us to navigate the complexities of patent applications, prosecution, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on your innovative endeavors with confidence. Our holistic services are a testament to our commitment to providing unparalleled support at every stage of your IP journey.

At ipRenewal, we not only offer expert guidance throughout the patent protection journey in Australia but also distinguish ourselves by providing the best quotes for IP services. We go a step further, guaranteeing to beat existing quotes from other service providers. Our commitment to cost-effective solutions is coupled with an unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch IP services. Whether it’s crafting precise patent specifications, guiding through the patent application process, or managing and paying renewal fees, ipRenewal stands out for exceptional quality, unmatched affordability, and the assurance that you’re receiving the most competitive rates in the market. Trust us to safeguard your innovations with a comprehensive and budget-

ipRenewal stands as a trusted partner for clients seeking trademark services in India, offering comprehensive assistance in safeguarding their brand identity. Recognizing the pivotal role of a brand name, we guide our clients through the entire process, from initiating a public search in the trademark database to filing a trademark application with the Trademark Office under the Government of India. Our specialized team ensures that intellectual property rights are effectively secured, providing the necessary expertise to navigate the complexities of trademark registration and protection in India.

Our commitment to clients extends to conducting a thorough public search within the trademark database, meticulously analyzing existing trademarks. By identifying potential conflicts early in the process, we empower trademark owners to make informed decisions about the distinctiveness and viability of their brand elements. As a client-oriented service provider, iPrenewal assists in preparing and submitting the required documentation, aligning with the standards set by the trademark authorities.

Beyond the initial filing stage, we continue to support trademark owners in maintaining their protection in India. This includes guiding clients through the post-registration phase and facilitating the renewal of trademarks when needed. ipRenewal’s holistic approach ensures that businesses not only file a trademark application successfully but also navigate the nuances of the trademark landscape, contributing to the longevity and resilience of their brand assets in the Indian market.

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