Our Team

patents trademarks, designs, and copyrights.

In-House Executives

David Strybosch

Founder David Strybosch

David Strybosch is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse range of skills and experiences. He has made significant contributions as a Founder and Director in multiple ventures, showcasing his exceptional entrepreneurial abilities. David’s expertise lies in the field of finance, particularly in fund management, where he excels in prioritising capital preservation and maximising returns for his clients. His in-depth knowledge and strategic approach enable him to provide tailored investment risk solutions, identifying and capitalising on lucrative opportunities within the financial market.


Co-Founder Andrew

Andrew Reeves is a creative and experienced developer, with specialties in custom software development, databases, and web applications. He has provided services to several renowned companies, including Telstra, ANS, National Australia Bank, and Coles Myer. Alongside his technical skills, Andrew also enjoys music recording and performing, video production, and creating and hosting websites. Andrew holds degrees in Engineering and Theology from RMIT University and Bible College of Victoria. Microsoft .Net Platform, C#, ASP.Net, ASP, PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, MySql, and Microsoft SharePoint Server are his areas of expertise in software.


COOSwetha G N

Swetha G N is a seasoned patent attorney who possesses a wealth of experience in the realm of intellectual property. Swetha is highly proficient in the drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications across a wide spectrum of technical domains, ranging from Electronics, Communication Systems, and Electrical Engineering to ElectroMechanical innovations, Computer Science, and Embedded Systems. Apart from her involvement in patent application drafting and prosecution, Swetha brings substantial expertise in conducting patentability searches, performing Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) analyses, assessing infringement issues, and providing invalidation opinions.

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